主办单位/Organizer :槟城普爱学园
Pu Ai Community Service Centre
受惠单位/Benefit Unit :槟城中央医院血库
Penang General Hospital
宗旨/ Objective :贯彻 “自爱爱人” 原旨及以实际行动发扬佛教慈悲喜舍精神
Fostering a caring society that in line with the group spirit
日期/Date :04/09/2011 (星期日/Sunday)
时间/Time :9.30am – 12.00pm
地点/Venue :普爱临时活动中心/ Pu Ai Temporary Activity Centre
Lintang Macallum 1, Gat Lebuh Macallum, 10300 Penang
目标/Target : 80人 (Please register yourself by 01/09/11 for the ease of arrangement)
报名地点/Registration :a) 普爱临时活动中心/ Pu Ai Temporary Activity Centre
Tel.04-2629299 (9.00am-11.30am - 星期一至六/Mon – Sat.
8.00pm- 9.30pm - 星期一至日/Mon – Sun.)
b) 负责人/Person in-charge :郑思薇(Ms. Tea) 012-5949266
每名捐血者将获本园赠送一份小礼为谢 (Small gift will be giving away to successful donor as a token of appreciation)
园长 :姜联招 合十
普爱学园“爱心甘露”捐血运动 2011
姓名 (Name) : (中)_____________________(英) _______________________________
地址 (Add) : (英) ________________________________________________________
电话 (Tel) : (H) _____________________(H/P) ______________________________
年龄 (Age) : __________性别(Gender) : _________ 血型 (Blood Type) : __________
身份证(IC) : _____________________ 电邮 (Email) :_____________________
签名(Signature) : ______________________日期 (Date):____________________
*曾 / 未曾 参加“爱心甘露”捐血运动