


主办单位/Organizer :槟城普爱学园
Pu Ai Community Service Centre

受惠单位/Benefit Unit :槟城中央医院血库
Penang General Hospital

宗旨/ Objective :贯彻 “自爱爱人” 原旨及以实际行动发扬佛教慈悲喜舍精神
Fostering a caring society that in line with the group spirit
日期/Date :04/09/2011 (星期日/Sunday)
时间/Time :9.30am – 12.00pm
地点/Venue :普爱临时活动中心/ Pu Ai Temporary Activity Centre
Lintang Macallum 1, Gat Lebuh Macallum, 10300 Penang
目标/Target : 80人 (Please register yourself by 01/09/11 for the ease of arrangement)
报名地点/Registration :a) 普爱临时活动中心/ Pu Ai Temporary Activity Centre
Tel.04-2629299 (9.00am-11.30am - 星期一至六/Mon – Sat.
8.00pm- 9.30pm - 星期一至日/Mon – Sun.)
b) 负责人/Person in-charge :郑思薇(Ms. Tea) 012-5949266

每名捐血者将获本园赠送一份小礼为谢 (Small gift will be giving away to successful donor as a token of appreciation)

园长 :姜联招 合十


普爱学园“爱心甘露”捐血运动 2011

姓名 (Name) : (中)_____________________(英) _______________________________
地址 (Add) : (英) ________________________________________________________
电话 (Tel) : (H) _____________________(H/P) ______________________________
年龄 (Age) : __________性别(Gender) : _________ 血型 (Blood Type) : __________
身份证(IC) : _____________________ 电邮 (Email) :_____________________

签名(Signature) : ______________________日期 (Date):____________________

*曾 / 未曾 参加“爱心甘露”捐血运动


Press release on 31/7/2011 Time 3.25pm Sun.
On behalf of Pu Ai Community Service Centre , I would like to take this opportunity to thanks to all of you to support Pu Ai 2011 Oil Lamp Lighting Blessing Assembly and Shanghikadana.
Your warm support have made the program success. We have received from devotees with lighting the total of 558 Oil Lamps for this year assembly. The chanting ceremony was lead by Venerable Chern Chen.
Besides that , for Shanghikadana , we have invited total of 36 of monks and nuns with Mahayana and Theravada tradition. Homemade vegetarian lunch, gifts and Ang Pau have been offered to all the Venerable
We hope and pray for this year of Oil Lamp Lighting Blessing Assembly and Shanghikadana will bring the prosperous, harmony, peace, wealthy and healthy to all of us.
Thank You Message From,
Bro. Keoh Lean Ong & Sis. Khaw Tin Lim
Pu Ai 2011 Oil Lamp Lighting Blessing Assembly and Shanghikadana Committee Chairman.
About Persatuan