




宗旨 : 1.加强北马区各佛团之联系及促进佛友间情谊.
日期 : 1-5-2011 (星期日) 劳动节公假
时间 : 6.30am – 9.00am
地点 : 大山脚孟光水坝
衣着 : 白色衣,深色裤或团体制服
膳食 : 朝拜完毕后,主办当局将准备早点招待各佛友.
交通 : 如需要交通者,须预早通知各联办单位,以方便租借巴士.
结缘品 : 所有向各联办单位报名之佛友将获赠结缘品一份,临时现场参与者恕无赠送.
报名处 : 各联办佛教团体
1.香山寺(04-8999067) 2.妙法林(019-4176060)
3.普爱学园(019-4709253) 4.槟州弘法会(012-4808979)
5.结善缘佛学会(012-4997557) 6.大山脚佛学会(04-5304719)
7.威中佛教会(013-4809018) 8.妙生佛教道场(012-4271768)
9.高巴三万佛教会(012-4752983) 10.太平三乘法轮居士林(05-8080017)
11.北海佛教会(012-5355801) 12.甲抛巴底佛教会(019-4494127)
13.弘学佛教会(012-4906494) 14.北海佛教居士林(012-4862008)
15.鲁乃佛教会(012-4430282) 16.吉辇佛教会(016-4126708)
17.太平佛教会(016-5593665) 18佛教义学校友会(016-4592671)
19.巴里文打佛教会(019-4139239) 20.西岭佛教会(013-4906383)
21.三巴央佛教会(016-4153386) 22.菩提心园(016-4442216)
23.龙田静居(016-4443982) 24.自在佛教会(012-4085102)

姓名 : (中)_________________________ (英)_______________________________
地址 :(英)______________________________________________________________
电话 : ____________________ 年龄 : _____________ 性别 : ______________
参与佛团 : _______________________________ 有否参加过三步一拜 : 有/没有







Press release on 05/3/2011 Time 3.45pm , Saturday Pu Ai Education Program. Pu Ai Community Service Centre will going to open for registration Sunday Tuition Class. Please distribute this message to all of our friends and members . Sister Tan Guat Ngnoh 2011 Pu Ai Sunday Class coordinator. About Persatuan Kebajikan Pu Ai Komuniti. 普 爱 学 园 Persatuan Pu Ai Komuniti was established in October 1983 and was initially called “Wisdom Study Centre”. Previously was supported by Yayasan Buddhist Malaysia. In 11th of January 2001, Pu Ai have registered under Seksyen 7 Akta Pertubuhan 1966 under the name of Persatuan Kebajikan Pu Ai Komuniti , Pulau Pinang ( no. pendaftaran 58 ). Located at Lintang Macallum 1 , Georgetown. Penang. Buddhist base society which are main organize for various welfare , education and religious program and activities. Refer to Pu Ai blog for latest activities update: puai.blogspot.com Currently need donation for 4 storey Medicine Buddha Shine Hall building fund. 欲作捐献者请以支票志明 Pu Ai Community Service Centre 惠下 99,(Foreshore) Jln C.Y.Choy, 10300 Penang. 或T.T.汇入 本园设于 Public Bank 的户口 : 3117350420。 To make donation, please write cheque to Pu Ai Community Service Centre and post to 99,(Foreshore) Jln C.Y.Choy, 10300 Penang. Or bank into Public Bank Account : 3117350420。 * 现金捐款者请当场索取本园正式收据!(Please ask for official receipt if donate cash.) Email us : puaikomuniti@gmail.com ULLAMBANA 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍 日期 : 2/4 – 3/4/ 2011 (農曆二月廿九及三月初一) 地點 : 普愛活動中心(玉佛殿)檳城五條路海墘 Lintang Macallum 1, Gat Lebuh Macallum, 10300 Pg 宗旨 : 提倡孝道,發揚思恩孝親美德;並藉誦經功德,超度先人往生西方極樂淨土 儀式 : 02-04-2011 8.00 PM 開壇灑淨 8.30 PM 拜誦淨土懺 03-04-2011 9.00 AM 拜誦金剛寶懺(上卷) 10.00 AM 佛前大供 11.00 AM 拜誦金剛寶懺(中卷) 12.00 PM 素餐招待各界佛友 1.00 PM 拜誦金剛寶懺(下卷) 7.00 PM 大蒙山施食,回向 主持 : 禮請香山寺真誠法師偕眾法師主持緣金 : 往生蓮位每份 RM 20,分五種項目。(詳情見參加表格) 凡樂捐 RM 100者,將恭請為法會護法。凡樂捐 RM 200或以上者恭請為法會懺主。報名 : 本園 99號園所 99, (Foreshore) Jln C.Y. Choy, 10300 Pg. 普愛活動中心(玉佛殿)Tel:2629299 開放時間:周一至周六 9.00AM-11.00AM 每晚 8.00PM-9.30PM 工委會主席劉忠南居士(Tel: 012-4239384) 截止日期 : 2011年 3月28日(星期一) 備註 : 所有款項均發本園正式收據,請向經手人索取。(請保留有關收據,以方便現場查看蓮位。) 本園遵照佛教慈悲戒殺的訓導,法會上一切供品皆用素食,歡迎參加者到來禮拜上香,並以水果或香花供佛修福。

Press release on 06/3/2011 Time 2.45pm , Sunday Pu Ai Yearly Program Plan.

普爱学园 2011 年活动表 Pu Ai Community Service Centre committee have planned the year 2011 program for all of you. We will keep on update the additional program coming soon. Beside the annual program , weekly activities or classes like Qi Gong ( Thursday) , Chanting ( Sunday night ) and Tuition ( Sunday Morning ) are also conducted . Regarding on Sunday tuition Class, we are still looking for student to register. Please distribute this message to all of our friends and members to support all the program.

Bro. Keoh Lean Cheaw 姜联招

The President of Pu Ai Community Service Centre. 普爱学园园长