槟城普爱学园将于11月26日(星期五)至28日(星期日)为期三天两夜,在槟城五条路丽泽B校主办2009年 [菩提儿童生活营]。 此项生活营的主题是“让爱传出去”,主要是让儿童在漫长的假期中参与有意义及欢乐的课外活动,从中学习成长;也提高儿童对正信佛教的认识及发扬自爱爱人的精神,更培养儿童孝亲敬老及关爱他人的感恩之心。 菩提儿童生活营的节目丰富精彩,其中包括激励课程、佛学讲座、团康等等。这项生活营已开始接受报名,公开给予今年就读四年级至六年级的小学生参加,只限50人,报名费为RM30.00(包括T恤及三餐),截止日期为1-11-2010或额满为止。
有意参加者请联络:-1)普爱学园活动中心:Lintang Macallum 1,10300 Penang. (9am - 11.30am / 8pm - 9.30pm)
Tel :04-2629299 2)陈良丰居士 :012-5850662 3)陈祖林居士 :012-5168851
RegardsCKPu Ai infomation dept.
Pu Ai Hon. Secretary Siew Kee
Brothers and Sister in the Dharma,
Pu Ai Community Service Centre would like to congratulate to our Bro. Keoh Lean Ong and her wife Siew Kee to deliver baby girl . Both of them are the Pu Ai Community committee.
The couple marriaged since last year December and on 30/9/2010 , Thursday , time 5.42pm , she ( Pu Ai Hon. Secretary Siew Kee ) was successfully deliver the baby girl for Bro, Lean Ong. The weight of the healthy baby is 3.2kg with the 49cm height.
Let us congratulate and wish them all the best. May this year of Tiger will continue to bring them the good health and wealth . Medicine Buddha will bless them and all of us .
From Pu Ai IT Dept.
Pu Ai Community Service Centre would like to congratulate to our Bro. Keoh Lean Ong and her wife Siew Kee to deliver baby girl . Both of them are the Pu Ai Community committee.
The couple marriaged since last year December and on 30/9/2010 , Thursday , time 5.42pm , she ( Pu Ai Hon. Secretary Siew Kee ) was successfully deliver the baby girl for Bro, Lean Ong. The weight of the healthy baby is 3.2kg with the 49cm height.
Let us congratulate and wish them all the best. May this year of Tiger will continue to bring them the good health and wealth . Medicine Buddha will bless them and all of us .
From Pu Ai IT Dept.
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