普爱学园 - 新春如意灯
敬致各位佛友, 为庄严药师佛殿及为各界佛友祈愿添福慧,槟城普爱学园特于新春期间召集各佛友供奉如意灯。
兹附上参加细则如下,欢迎诸位踊跃 报名:
启灯日期 :农历旧年十二月廿九日至新年正月十五(2010年2月12日至2月28日)
参加办法 :a) 乐捐RM200恭请为琉璃灯首
b) 乐捐RM 30为如意灯献灯人
行事历 : 己丑年十二月廿九(12-2-2010)晚上八时半,由法师带领诵经洒净,琉璃灯首启灯 仪 式。(由12-2-2010至28-2-2010连续启灯十七夜) 庚寅年正月十五(28-2-2010)晚上八时半,法师领众诵经回向功德圆满.
报名处 :a) 普爱学园注册办事处(邮寄地址)99,(Foreshore) Jln C.Y.Choy,10300 Pg. b) 普爱临时活动中心 Lintang Macallum 1,Gat Lebuh Macallum,10300 Penang. (Tel.04-2629299)开放时间 :(星期一至星期六9am-11.30am)(星期一至星期日8pm-9.30pm) c) 负责人:姜联旺 报名日期 :即日起至额满为止
普爱学园总务 林绣芝 合十
Pu Ai 2010 Annual Program
Pu Ai Organising Siddhartha Musical for Building Funds. 20/03/2010
Our community will going to organising Siddhartha Musical show at Dewan Sri Pinang on 20/03/2010. The main purpose to organise this event is to support our Medicine Buddha Shrine Hall Building Funds and also to promote our Buddhist culture. We hope all of you will give the full support to make this event success. Pls refer to the attachment for further details. The donation and Ticket booking can be reached as below:
PUAI contact: 04-2629299
Pls also distribute this message to all your friends. Thanks for support. Sadhu ! Sadhu !
Latest building progress
At first Pu Ai Community Service Centre would like to wish you a Happy New Year. May this new year have a good hope and good luck always. We will back again to update you the latest building progress. Past 2 months construction work have been stopped was due to insufficient funds, today we will bring you the good news that the construction work for build the roof is carrying on. As we know that the roof is the final process of the building structure and the cost estimate around 300K to 400K. Target to complete around 2 months. We will keep on to update you the latest progress soon. Have a nice day. Regards IT Dept
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